17 juin 2009

De la poulie et des mousquetons...

Kids, what happens during the lunch is a private business. after having taken a good meal in the center city, we took the car ( of the highway ...) and I drove around the streets, looking for something interesting to do, and you know that when you are thinking and looking for something, and going somewhere but you don't know where, your thoughts come across an idea, you find something eventually, and you end up arriving to your destination. I should say that never in "my wildest dreams" we would have done that. So we went to S*parc, at the beginning, I thought to myself that it was a park, where you could walk smoothly, easily and most of all romantically. To tell the truth, you may suppress all the adjectives of the sentence before this one. So you are attached all over the body, have a helmet( go war!), two carabiners and one pulley. The purpose of it? you have to go from a tree to another tree using the materials on wire cables, in order to go higher and higher, after that you come to climb a cliff, and last but no least, there are some nice zip-lines to do. There is a trail for children, but you know that we are grownups so we chose the trail for adults. In the trail I was leading at first and then she took the lead, and she was better than me IMHO :). It was an unique second date, true story! 

1 commentaire:

pti_lu a dit…

jvoulais t'écrire ça l'autre jour mais comme t'avais supprimé j'ai pas pu et comme j'ai oublié de le noté c'est approximate remembering freestyle:

la vie est un fil
et nous somme des funambules
sous nos pieds le vide
aucun filet de sécurité en cas de chute
pour seule aide l'amitié,l'amour offrent des filins de sécurités
grace à leur soutien la peur d'avancer disparait
ces filins sont parfois hors de portée et l'on risque de chuter en essayant de s'y accrocher
ainsi certains sont la juste pour nous tenter
on les voit, on veut croire qu'on peut les atteindre mais rien n'y fait
il ne nous étaient peut être pas destinés aprés tout
on continue alors notre chemin espérant trouver celui à notre portée et qui ne lachera pas en cours de route